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Question about Textual Interpretation



Textual Interpretation


(URCA 2019) - Question Medium of English

The first foray of psychiatry in this direction turned to the acquisition of political power for a professional action inside and outside the asylum. This power, through many struggles, was being increased, and since the end of the 19th century it was increasingly reinforced, as it sustained itself as scientific knowledge, showing itself grounded in the interaction of its discourse with medicine. The relationship of psychiatry with medicine allowed to ensure the function of the psychiatrist with the necessary scientific support for the exercise of state power.
as mental medicine penetrated various sectors of social space with its concepts and welfare practices, it lost the function of supporting the exercise of state power;
from the 19th century, medicine ceased to be considered a specific political practice, as well as lost the specialized power to assume the condition exclusively of caring for individuals and the population;
at the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century, the medical principle prevailed that the insane should be removed from social life to be imprisoned in asylums for the insane and in holy houses of mercy, a practice that only began to disappear at the beginning of the 20th century, still being quite common;
with the implementation of the old republic, there was a process of breaking with the projects of medicalization of society that had been institutionalizing since the beginning of the second half of the 19th century;
medicine, by investing in cities, in the 19th century, began to compete for a place among the instances of social control, under the claim that it had knowledge about disease and health, from which it sought to catalyze the balance of the established social structure;

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