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Question about Textual Interpretation



Textual Interpretation


(URCA 2017) - Question Medium of English

URCA/2017.1 - Mark the alternative in which there are reflections on the literary production of José Saramago:
the deepest thought of his plots can perhaps be considered typically pre-romantic. whoever stands in the way of lovers appears under a cloak of ridicule or odiousness. the woman of all conditions is almost always the lovely angel, capable of all self-denials and sacrificed to male selfishness, vanity, or simple caprice.
is considered responsible for the effective international recognition of prose in the Portuguese language, being the most well-known Portuguese author of contemporary literature, translated into several languages.
his compositions work on sentimental themes, present a remarkable musicality and a posture of resignation in the face of adversity. this framework composes fleeting images, laden with pessimism, and the transience of life.
his poetic trajectory is comprised of three phases: the first, of morbidity and torpor, is the phase of 'opium' (offered to Mário de Sá-Carneiro and written while sailing through the Suez Canal in March 1914), the second phase, more mechanistic, is where Italian futurism is most transparent, it is in this phase that the sensation is more intellectualized.
he was perhaps the author of the best sonnets in the Portuguese language after his model, he was also a great repentista and improviser in assemblies and effectively became the most popular and remembered author in Portugal to this day, perhaps due to a certain ease of verse and a certain vulgarity of situations in which he presents himself.

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