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Question about Introduction to Literary Studies: Reading Experiences


Originais Teachy

Introduction to Literary Studies: Reading Experiences


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of English

Read the excerpt from the poem 'A máquina do mundo' by Carlos Drummond de Andrade and, considering the historical context of Brazilian Modernism, elaborate a critical analysis on how the poet uses figures of speech to express the feeling of disenchantment with the world and the attempt to understand existence: 'And so, at the end of years and centuries / of struggle and toil, disappointments, / you made this imprecise machine, / a blind invention, that drags along with it / men and pieces of men, / in search of who knows what hope...' (Carlos Drummond de Andrade, 'A máquina do mundo'). In your analysis, discuss how literary language can serve as a 'critical mirror' of reality and in what way the figure of the poet is constructed in the context of Modernism to reflect the concerns and aesthetic ruptures of the period. Relate the use of figures of speech to the social function of literature, considering the role of the reader in the interpretation and reconstruction of the meaning of literary texts.

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