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Question about Dance Groups in School


Originais Teachy

Dance Groups in School


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Medium of Arts

In the Arts class, the dance teacher explained to the students that dance collectives can include synchronized movements, displacement patterns, and expressive elements that tell a story. To better understand these concepts, she proposed an activity in which the students should watch a video of a famous dance collective and identify which elements in the performance demonstrated these characteristics. After watching, the students should discuss in groups the observed characteristics and the possible difficulties that a dance collective could face when trying to perform synchronized movements in a presentation. What should be the students' strategy to correctly identify the elements of a dance collective and in what ways could they address the issue of difficulties faced by these groups?
The students should focus only on the movements of the dancers individually, without considering the context of the collective performance.
The students' strategy should be to identify the main dancers and ignore the contribution of the other members of the collective.
The students' strategy should be to watch the performance attentively to details, taking notes or highlighting parts of the video where the dancers perform movements together, expressions that tell a story, and scenery elements that contribute to the unity of the presentation. To address the difficulties, they should discuss the importance of practice, training, communication, leadership, teamwork, and the appreciation of individuality.
To discuss the difficulties, students should prioritize competition among the members of the collective instead of collaboration and mutual support.
The students should consider only the technique of the movements, without taking into account the expressiveness or the ability to tell a story through dance.

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