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Question about Reading Fluency and Comprehension


Originais Teachy

Reading Fluency and Comprehension


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Hard of English

Imagine you are a detective and have just read a very interesting text about a magical adventure. To help solve this mystery, describe what you understood about the story, telling who the main characters are, where and when the adventure took place, and what problem they faced. Then, think of a creative solution to this problem and write how you would help the characters solve everything. Remember to carefully choose the words you will use and how they come together to form clear and meaningful sentences, to show that you understood the reading.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id consequat justo. Cras pellentesque urna ante, eget gravida quam pretium ut. Praesent aliquam nibh faucibus ligula placerat, eget pulvinar velit gravida. Nam sollicitudin pretium elit a feugiat. Vestibulum pharetra, sem quis tempor volutpat, magna diam tincidunt enim, in ullamcorper tellus nibh vitae turpis. In egestas convallis ultrices.
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Textual Interpretation

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In the middle of the road there was a stone, there was a stone in the middle of the road, there was a stone in the middle of the road, in the middle of the road there was a stone. Author: Carlos Drummond de Andrade You have just read an excerpt from the poem 'In the middle of the road' by the Brazilian author, Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Based on the theme 'Vowel, consonant, and semivowel' and also on their conditions of use and characteristics, a) Identify and list all vowels and semivowels present in the first two verses of the poem. b) Classify the consonants present in the excerpt according to their phonetic production (lips, tongue, palate, etc.).

Vowel, Consonant and Semivowel

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In the excerpt "São as afeições como as vidas, que não há mais certo sinal de haverem de durar pouco, que terem durado muito" (l.2 and 3), two occurrences of the word "que" are highlighted. Although the word is the same, in these occurrences, the term in question indicates distinct semantic values. These values are respectively

Textual Interpretation

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Excerpt: "I know nothing about this sea, I don't know its ancient name. The map only describes features in almost a dream, the sheet in green and white. I don't know if there's a bird or wind. My compass tears the paper, points to the north close to my disoriented hand. I search in the leaf's veins for some compass." - Manoel de Barros, from the book The Book About Nothing. Based on the excerpt from the book "The Book About Nothing" by Manoel de Barros, demonstrate your knowledge of the linguistic structure, considering the following requests: a) Identify the vowel clusters, consonant clusters, and digraphs present in the quoted text and classify them. b) Perform the syllable division of the words "feições", "desnorteada", and "bússola". Then, indicate the graphic accentuation of each of these words, explaining the applied rule.

Vowel Encounters, Consonant Encounters, Digraphs, Syllabic Division and Accentuation

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