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Question about Conservation and Environmental Degradation


Originais Teachy

Conservation and Environmental Degradation


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of Geography

In the city of Ecotopolis, the inhabitants decided to create an ecological park to preserve a remaining area of Atlantic Forest. The park was planned taking into consideration the importance of maintaining local biodiversity and preserving natural resources. However, one year after its inauguration, a significant increase in the amount of litter left by visitors was noticed, representing an imminent risk to the park's fauna and flora. The park managers need to take measures to raise awareness among people about the importance of environmental conservation. Considering the interdisciplinarity between Geography and Biology, what educational strategy could be most effective in changing the behavior of visitors and ensuring the sustainability of the park?
A instalação de mais lixeiras e a contratação de uma equipe de limpeza permanente são suficientes para resolver o problema do aumento do lixo no parque.
A distribuição de folhetos informativos somente na entrada do parque é uma estratégia eficaz para mudar o comportamento dos visitantes em relação à geração de lixo no parque.
Realizar palestras sobre conservação ambiental em um auditório fechado é a melhor forma de conscientização dos visitantes.
An interdisciplinary educational strategy that integrates knowledge from Geography and Biology, involving the creation of educational trails, volunteer programs, recycling workshops, field studies, partnerships with schools, and awareness campaigns, can be effective in changing the behavior of visitors and ensuring the sustainability of the park.
A proibição de entrada de crianças no parque reduzirá significativamente a quantidade de lixo deixada pelos visitantes.

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