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Question about Cultural Diversity and Territory


Originais Teachy

Cultural Diversity and Territory


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of Geography

The neighborhood where you live is known for hosting different cultures, such as the cuisine of its immigrants and the festivities it celebrates each year. Considering the importance of cultural diversity in shaping local and regional identities, explain how the traditions and customs of the region's first inhabitants influence current cultural practices. Analyze how local festivities, based on these traditions, contribute to the valorization of the neighborhood's cultural identity and discuss the role of public spaces in this context.
The traditions and customs of the region's first inhabitants influence current cultural practices through the preservation and adaptation of cultural elements over time. Local festivities contribute to the valorization of the neighborhood's cultural identity, and public spaces are essential for the realization and sharing of these cultural practices.
The traditions and customs of the first inhabitants are of little relevance to the current culture of the neighborhood.
Preserving the cultural identity of the neighborhood is exclusively the responsibility of museums and cultural institutions.
Public spaces are used only for commercial activities and are not linked to the maintenance of cultural traditions.
Local festivities are isolated events that have no impact on the cultural identity of the neighborhood.

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