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Question about Work and Nature


Originais Teachy

Work and Nature


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Easy of History

In the story of Joãozinho, a curious boy who lives in a small rural town, some economic activities such as corn cultivation and animal breeding are very important to the community. Joãozinho learned that the work of the people in his community helped shape the nature around them, creating open fields for planting and pastures. However, he also realized that some of these practices had a negative impact on the environment, with significant deforestation and water scarcity at certain times of the year. Considering Joãozinho's knowledge and the importance of preserving the environment, how can the traditional economic activities of Joãozinho's community be modified to reduce the negative environmental impacts he observed?
The traditional economic activities of Joãozinho's community can be modified to reduce the negative environmental impacts through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices, such as tree planting, soil conservation techniques, efficient irrigation systems, crop diversification, and environmental education.
As atividades econômicas tradicionais da comunidade de Joãozinho devem ser intensificadas para aumentar a produtividade e garantir o crescimento econômico, mesmo que isso resulte em mais impactos ambientais negativos.
A comunidade de Joãozinho deve focar exclusivamente na criação de gado e na monocultura para simplificar as práticas agrícolas e facilitar a gestão ambiental.
A melhor estratégia para a comunidade de Joãozinho é aumentar o uso de fertilizantes químicos e pesticidas para maximizar a produção agrícola, independentemente de seu impacto no meio ambiente.
Para reduzir os impactos ambientais, a comunidade de Joãozinho pode desconsiderar a importância da conservação do solo e a manutenção de áreas florestadas, priorizando apenas a produção de milho por meio de agrotóxicos.

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