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Question about Birth of Cities


Originais Teachy

Birth of Cities


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Medium of History

During antiquity, the formation of cities was an important milestone for the development of civilizations. Cities began to emerge due to the need to concentrate resources and people in the same place. What was the main factor that drove the birth of cities?
Discovery of fire
Animal domestication
Agriculture and sedentarism
Hunting and fishing
Invention of writing

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Read the text to answer the question. Trump signs decree changing American policy with Cuba. São Paulo and Washington - President Donald Trump defended the economic embargo of the United States against Cuba and conditioned advances in the bilateral relationship to political changes on the island towards free elections, release of political prisoners, and respect for freedom of expression. 'I am canceling the completely unilateral agreement of the last administration with Cuba,' he declared in a speech held this Friday, 16, in Miami. Despite the statement, Trump only reviewed specific issues of the policy announced by Barack Obama on December 17, 2014. The changes end the possibility of individual trips to the island and prohibit spending in tourist establishments controlled by the Army and by the country's intelligence and security sectors. 'Profits from tourism went directly to the armed forces,' he said. In addition to reversing these points, the major transformation was in tone and in signaling the future of the bilateral relationship. While Obama advocated for lifting the embargo, Trump promised to reinforce it. The rhetorical aggressiveness against the government of Raúl Castro also indicates a slowdown in the pace of normalization of bilateral relations. One of the objectives of the new agreement, explained Trump, is to ensure that the Cuban population benefits directly. However, the American president sought to emphasize that 'atrocities' committed since the beginning of the Castro brothers' regime will not be tolerated and insinuated that the government of Barack Obama neglected the practice of crimes against the island's population. <http://tinyurl.com/y8ol93q4> Accessed on: 06/17/2017. Adapted.

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