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Question about Living Beings: Types of Reproduction


Fundação de Estudos Inaciana

Living Beings: Types of Reproduction


(Fundação de Estudos Inaciana 2013) - Question Easy of Biology

Associate the living beings below with the types of reproduction characteristic of each of them:
Question illustration
i = spore formation, ii = formation of lateral bud, iii = copulation between male and female.
i = cell fragmentation, ii = spore formation, iii = sexual reproduction of the cross-fertilization type.
i = cell fragmentation, ii = formation of buds, iii = sexual reproduction of the hermaphrodite type.
$$i =$$ binary fission, $$ii =$$ formation of lateral bud, $$iii =$$ sexual reproduction of the cross-fertilization type.
i = binary fission, ii = formation of buds, iii = sexual reproduction of the hermaphrodite type.

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