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Question about Human Body: Excretory System


Originais Teachy

Human Body: Excretory System


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of Biology

The human excretory system is composed of various organs, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys play a central role in excretion, filtering the blood to remove unwanted substances, maintaining the balance of water and salts, and regulating blood pressure. The question involves understanding the functioning of the excretory system and its interaction with other body systems. Analyzing a case of acute renal failure, where the kidneys suddenly lose their ability to filter toxins from the blood, students should explain the possible consequences of this for the body's acid-base balance and overall homeostasis. Additionally, they should discuss how the regulation of blood pressure, which is normally partially controlled by the secretion of renin by the kidneys, would be affected by this condition. The answer should integrate knowledge of Biology and Physiology, also considering the principles of homeostasis and pH regulation in the human body, and may benefit from an interdisciplinary approach with Chemistry to discuss acid-base regulation mechanisms.

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