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Question about Textual Interpretation



Textual Interpretation


(ENEM 2020) - Question Hard of English

TEXT 1: The plant of Belo Horizonte. The contrast between the new capital and the old colonial villages of Minas Gerais, born out of the needs of the 18th century populations, which developed without any planning, was very significant. The future capital would be innovative, modern, and progressive. Thus, the urban project that the engineer from Pará, Aarão Reis, designed for Belo Horizonte caused curiosity and enthusiasm. It is worth noting the names given to the streets of Belo Horizonte: Brazilian states, indigenous tribes, rivers, etc. Mentioning them was a true social studies class. It was even a way to educate the population still lacking formal education. Available at: www.descubraminas.com.br. Accessed on Dec 9, 2017. Adapted. ATQ II. City streets: Guaicurus, Caetés, Goitacazes, Tupinambás, Aimorés, All on the ground. Guajajaras, Tamoios, Tapuias, All, Timbiras, Tupis, All on the ground. The walls of the streets did not return the abysses that were rolled. Lost horizon in the middle of the jungle. The village grew, village. Tram passes, cattle drives pass, tractor passes, airplane passes. Streets and kings. Guajajaras, Tamoios, Tapuias, Tupinambás, Aimorés, All on the ground. The city planted in the heart so many names of those who died. Lost horizon in the middle of the jungle. The village grew, village. The walls of the streets did not return the abysses that were rolled. Lost horizon in the middle of the jungle. BORGES, L.; BORGES, M. In: NASCIMENTO, M. Clube da esquina 2. Rio de Janeiro: EMI, 1978. (fragment) The texts address the preservation of memory and national identity present in the naming of the streets of Belo Horizonte. Which verses from Text II challenge the architectural project described in Text I?
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'Tram passes, cattle drives pass' / 'Tractor passes, airplane passes' / 'Streets and kings'
'The city planted in the heart' / 'So many names of those who died'
'Guaicurus, Caetés, Goitacazes' / 'Tupinambás, Aimorés'
'Lost horizon in the middle of the jungle' / 'The village grew, village'
The walls of the streets did not return / The abysses that were rolled

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