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Question about Introduction to Literary Studies: Reading Experiences


Originais Teachy

Introduction to Literary Studies: Reading Experiences


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Medium of English

Read the poem 'Lágrima de Preta' by Luís Gama, one of the most important Brazilian poets and abolitionists of the 19th century: 'I am the tear of a black woman / That sometimes the wind dries, / I am the leaf that withers and falls / Without anyone repudiating it, / I am the shining wave of the sea, / I am the star that shines, / I am the dewdrop, / That fluctuates on the flower, / I am the echo of the mountain, / The murmuring waterfall.' Considering the historical context of the abolition of slavery in Brazil and the literary production of Luís Gama, write a text in which: 1) Analyze how the poem reflects the experience and feelings of the black people regarding slavery. 2) Discuss the use of figures of speech in the poem and how they contribute to the expression of the black cultural voice and resistance. Relate the text to another historical moment, such as the present, to show the enduring nature of the issues addressed by the author.

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