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Question about Globalized World



Globalized World


(UNITAU 2019) - Question Hard of Geography

The environmental crisis to which the unsustainable human development model has led the Earth has worrying facets. Threatening and cross-cutting climate changes, dramatic loss of biodiversity, drastic reduction of available freshwater, lethal air pollution, profusion of plastics in seas and oceans, overfishing. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has radiographed the main environmental problems of the planet based on available scientific knowledge. The conclusions of the Global Environment Outlook report are worrying. And they are because of what is already happening to the planet (with 7.5 billion inhabitants on Earth) and what may happen in the near future. In addition to the factors mentioned above, environmental problems are also related to modern consumption patterns. Since consumption activities operate at the intersection between public and private life, the debate on the environment and consumption can involve issues from both spheres. In this sense, sustainable consumption implies I. a mode of production committed to minimizing socio-environmental imbalances throughout the life cycle of a product, from generation to reuse and disposal. II. implies constant renewal and infinite abundance of materials, due to the availability of raw materials and energy for production. III. presupposes recycling and reusing production waste, the use of biodegradable packaging and products, and the use of clean technologies. IV. requires education for consumption, which demands new educational paradigms based on critical thinking and questioning of the world. Is it CORRECT what is stated in
i, ii e iii, apenas.
i, iii e iv, apenas.
i e iv, apenas.
i, apenas.
i, ii e iv, apenas.

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