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Question about Latin American Independences: Formation of the First Republics


Originais Teachy

Latin American Independences: Formation of the First Republics


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of History

During the 19th century, the United States of America sought to expand its economic and military influence in various territories of the American continent, with the Caribbean being one of the main targets of this American imperialist process. Resistance to this expansion was carried out by various movements and political leaders in the region, with emphasis on José Martí and his Cuban Revolution of 1895. What was the main objective of this revolution?
Establish a republican regime in Cuba.
Expel European colonizers from Latin America.
Eliminate all groups of other ethnicities living on the island of Cuba.
Create a Cuban empire that encompasses all of Central America.
Defeat the American imperial forces and achieve the independence of Cuba.

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