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Question about European Maritime Expansion: Review


Originais Teachy

European Maritime Expansion: Review

Very Easy

(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Very Easy of History

During the late Middle Ages and early Modern Age, Europe experienced a period of intense maritime expansion, resulting in great geographical discoveries and cultural and commercial exchange. This movement was made possible by the combination of technological advances, such as the invention of the caravel and the compass, with the encouragement and investment of European kingdoms. Portugal and Spain stood out as pioneers in this process, exploring new trade routes and reaching unknown lands. Portuguese navigators, led by Henry the Navigator, undertook important exploration voyages, while Spanish expeditions, sponsored by the Crown, resulted in the arrival in America. Considering the context of European maritime expansion, identify a technological factor that drove overseas voyages and an important actor who sponsored these expeditions. Then, mention a specific territory (or region) that was reached by one of these actors in the maritime expansion process.

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