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Question about Verbs: Past Perfect


Originais Teachy

Verbs: Past Perfect


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Medium of Spanish

In a conversation with his friends, Juan mentioned a hypothetical situation that happened in the past, but could have had a different outcome if a certain action had been taken earlier. Considering the use of the pluperfect subjunctive tense, which of the following options best expresses what Juan could have said in Spanish?
Si hubieran estudiado más, habrían pasado el examen
Si estudiaran más, pasarían el examen.
Si habrían estudiado más, habrían pasado el examen.
Si estudian más, pasarán el examen.
Si habrían estudiado más, pasarían el examen.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id consequat justo. Cras pellentesque urna ante, eget gravida quam pretium ut. Praesent aliquam nibh faucibus ligula placerat, eget pulvinar velit gravida. Nam sollicitudin pretium elit a feugiat. Vestibulum pharetra, sem quis tempor volutpat, magna diam tincidunt enim, in ullamcorper tellus nibh vitae turpis. In egestas convallis ultrices.
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