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Question about Verbs: Like


Originais Teachy

Verbs: Like


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Medium of Spanish

In everyday life, it is common to express our preferences and dislikes using the verb 'gustar', which has a particular structure in the Spanish language. For example, when we say 'Me gusta la música clásica' or 'No les gustan las verduras', we are using this verb in a way that the grammatical subject is the thing that pleases and not the person who feels the preference. From the following excerpt of a poem: 'A ella le gustan las rosas, el suave murmullo del río y la melodía que el viento lleva. A él, en cambio, le despiertan más interés los misterios del cielo nocturno y la inmensidad del mar', identify, according to the context, what structure was used to correctly express the preferences of the subjects and how that structure could be altered without changing the meaning of the sentences.
The subject of the sentence should always be the person who likes something, therefore, 'Ella gusta las rosas' would be an appropriate structure.
The structure 'A [grammatical subject] le gusta [indirect object]' is the correct one to express preferences, as in 'A las rosas le gusta ella'.
The structure used to correctly express preferences is 'A [indirect object] le gustan/despiertan [grammatical subject]'. To alter this structure without changing the meaning, we can rearrange the sentence as in 'Las rosas le gustan a ella' or 'Los misterios del cielo nocturno le despiertan interés a él'.
The phrase 'Las rosas son gustadas por ella' maintains the passive structure of the verb 'gustar' and is a correct way to express preference.
To change the meaning without altering the structure, one can say 'Ella gusta de las rosas' or 'Él despierta los misterios del cielo nocturno'.

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