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Question about Latin American Independences: Formation of the First Republics


Originais Teachy

Latin American Independences: Formation of the First Republics


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of History

What was the role of the leaders of the independence movements in Latin America and how did they influence the fight for the independence of the colonies?
The leaders of the independence movements in Latin America played a fundamental role in the fight for the independence of the colonies, as they were responsible for leading and organizing popular revolts against European colonial rule.
The leaders of the independence movements in Latin America did not have an important role in the fight for the independence of the colonies, as popular revolts occurred spontaneously and disorganized.
The leaders of the independence movements in Latin America were mere spectators of the fight for the independence of the colonies, having little or no involvement in the events that led to independence.
The leaders of the independence movements in Latin America had a secondary role in the fight for the independence of the colonies, being replaced by military and political leaders after independence.
The leaders of the independence movements in Latin America were responsible for maintaining European colonial rule in the colonies, actively working against the independence of the countries.

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