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Question about New Materials and Technologies


Originais Teachy

New Materials and Technologies


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Medium of Sciences

Some countries have programs that encourage the use of solar energy in homes and commercial establishments by reducing or exempting taxes on the equipment needed to produce this type of electrical energy or heat water. Which of the alternatives below is not a benefit offered by laws that encourage the use of solar energy?
Reductions in the value of electricity and water bills when using this type of energy in homes or commercial establishments.
Tax exemptions on the equipment needed to produce this form of electrical energy or heat water.
Discounts on the prices of equipment that produce this form of energy or heat water.
Special guarantees on the equipment installed to produce this form of electrical energy or heat water.
Government subsidies on the materials needed to install the equipment that produces this form of electrical energy or heat water.

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