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Question about Basic Genetics


Originais Teachy

Basic Genetics

Very Hard

(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Very Hard of Sciences

In an isolated community, there is a population of 100 individuals whose blood type is determined by a single gene with three alleles: A, B, and O. The A allele is dominant over the other two, and the B allele is dominant over O. The table below shows the percentage of each blood type in the population: Type A (A allele): 42%, Type B (B allele): 10%, Type O (O allele): 48%. A couple decides to have children and both parents have blood type AB. Item 1: What is the probability that a child of this couple will have blood type O? Item 2: Explain, in terms of population genetics, how the frequency of an allele can change over time and what this can mean for genetic diversity and population health. Use your knowledge of the Hardy-Weinberg law and assumptions of genetic equilibrium to support your answer.

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