

Assignment Generator

Automatically create assignments based on a question bank with over 200,000 exercises. Find questions from a variety of subjects, such as: Mathematics, English, History, Geography, Science, and much more!

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Create your own assignments and tests with Teachy and we will automatically grade them!

Easily navigate through thousands of questions to create your test. Print it or send it directly to students on the platform. Once completed, it will be graded automatically! Curious? Come and revolutionize your classes with Teachy!

Why are Teachy Assessment Generators the most complete available ?

Complete tool:

Complete tool:

prepare assignments and quizes with more than 200 thousand questions aligned to the BNCC. With the platform, you have access to a wide range of materials to enrich your teaching.

Custom filters:

Custom filters:

In just a few clicks, you can create specific tests for all subjects, on various topics and for any school level. It is possible to customize with the number of questions and type of difficulty.

Improved student performance:

Improved student performance:

By using Teachy's test bank tool, you offer the best material to your students. We offer high-quality resources, carefully chosen for learning for any class.

Strategic timing:

Strategic timing:

With the create assignment tool, teachers save precious time previously spent on manually creating assessments. Instant access to exercise lists allows you to focus on lesson planning and student engagement.

Access Anywhere:

Access Anywhere:

Teachy offers the flexibility of accessing the test generator from anywhere, at any time. With accessibility, teachers have more freedom to manage time and resources, making their work more agile.

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