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Question about Napoleonic Period


Originais Teachy

Napoleonic Period


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Hard of History

The Napoleonic Period, characterized by the rise and dominance of Napoleon Bonaparte in France and large parts of Europe, brought a series of transformations both politically and socially. Through his conquests and reforms, Napoleon significantly impacted the European continent, reshaping borders, institutions, and ideologies. Franz-Hermann Schulze, in his work 'Napoleon', argues that 'the Napoleonic period was an era of duality: while spreading the ideals of the French Revolution, establishing the principle of equality and the legal code that endures to this day, it was marked by imperialism and a strongly centralized governance system.' Based on this statement and your knowledge, answer the following questions: (1) In what way did Napoleon's government reflect the principles of the French Revolution and how did it distance itself from them, especially regarding the governance of other conquered territories? (2) Analyze Napoleon's impact on America, considering both those territories directly linked to French imperial expansion and the influence of his ideas and policies on the struggles for independence in Latin America.

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Napoleonic Period

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